Monday, 20 December 2010

Pyramid Scheme



‘Space/Time Continuum’ by Lee Coventry

Pyramid apologies if you have stumbled into this post hoping for information on pyramids, perhaps for a school history project. I'm afraid you've been misled. Contrary to all the evidence, this post concerns pyramids in only the most tenuous fashion. Allow me to explain. Pyramid.
Pyramid having looked at the stats for my fledgling blog, it seems that my most popular post, by a considerable margin, is something I wrote back in October called Be The Pyramid, an ill-conceived rant about social injustice. After checking out Google AdWords, the reason becomes clear - the word 'pyramid' is an incredibly popular search term, and my rant was inadvertently search-engine-optimised. Pyramid.

Pyramid the post you are currently reading is a shameless attempt to capitalise on this phenomenon, and thus confuse more people into reading my blog. Hence my use of the word 'pyramid' in prominent locations throughout the text. Pyramoo. Whoops, I meant to say Pyramid.


That's not to say I won't be providing genuine value for the unwary surfer caught in my pyramid web. For your amusement and edification, I present The 3 Pyramid Ponderings of Jimble:

Pyramid Pondering The Firste
(A poem simply entitled 'Pyramid'.)


Khufu's body, carried deep,
inside his wond'rous pyramid,
His servants lay his soul to sleep,
in granite tomb, and close the lid.


Pyramid Pondering The Seconde
(Fun with grammar.)

I recently discovered that ‘Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo’ is a grammatically correct sentence. Don’t believe me? Look at this.

By this reasoning, we can be fairly confident that ‘Pyramid pyramid Pyramid pyramid pyramid pyramid Pyramid pyramid’ is also grammatically correct. Probably. Despite the fact that I do not fully understand the reasoning behind the ‘buffalo’ sentence, I feel no need to research this further.


Pyramid Pondering The Thirde
(A strange phenomenon.)

This pondering exists solely to draw your attention to the fact that, now that you have read the word 'pyramid' so many times, it's starting to sound a little bit odd, isn't it? Py-ra-mid.




  1. Like your strategy to get views! (that's not how I got here though)

  2. Thanks - actually, it hasn't really worked! Still, it was a fun attempt...


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