Saturday, 6 November 2010

Ovine Ungulates - is it because I is Welsh?


I'm particularly proud of this poem, so after a quick word from the inescapable Teddy Whittaker, I'm going to jump straight in. Over to you, Teddy:

'Get lost, I'm having my feet waxed! Oh, very well - five Teddies. Now leave me alone!'

Now, for your utter bemusement, the poem....

Poem In Which a Person Responsible for Illegal Violence at Sea Suffers from Urinary and Fecal Incontinence Caused by Pathogenic Bacteria Present In Undercooked Meat, and Written On the False Premise that Ovine Ungulates Enunciate the Call of Bovine Ungulates, Where In Fact They Demonstrably Do Not

Poor Pirate Percy,
piddle-puddle poo,
mostly meaty mutton,
middle-muddle moo!

Please, no applause.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanette Stewart6 November 2010 at 11:19

    Astounding! Awesome! Awesomely astounding, even! You can pay me later...


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